Winter cycle 2023-2024


The winter cycle 2023-204 runs from Monday 25 September 2023 to Sunday 31 March 2024 with a break during school vacations :

Autumn break (All Saints' Day) : Monday 23rd October to Sunday 5 November 2023

Winter vacations (Christmas and New Year) : from Monday 25 December 2023 to Sunday 7 January 2024

Carnival vacation : Monday 26 February to Sunday 8 March 2024

There are always classes on weekends preceding school vacations, but never on weekends preceding the start of a new school year.
With one exception this year: No classes on Sunday 24 December 2023 ! Recuperation will be organized on Sunday 7 January 2024.

The Spring cycle takes place on 3 different sites:

  • Royal Brussels Lawn Tennis Club
  • Tennis Club Uccle Churchill
  • Padel Tennis Club Montjoie


Royal Brussels Lawn Tennis Club

  • Chaussée de Waterloo, 890

  • 1000 Bruxelles

  • 02/374 92 59

Tennis Club Uccle Churchill

  • Rue Edith Cavell 92

  • 1180 Bruxelles

  • 02/343 20 64

Padel Tennis Club Montjoie

  • Rue Edith Cavell, 91

  • 1180 Bruxelles

  • 0470/96 37 09


3-4 years old, 2019-2020

Baby Tennis and psychomotor skills, 8 meters, red balls

Group of 6 children

Price of the cycle: 360 euros
5-6 years old, 2017-2018

Mini Tennis, 12 meters, red balls

Group of 4 children

Price of the cycle: 480 euros
7-8 years old, 2015-2016

Mini Tennis, 18 meters, soft balls

Group of 4 children

Price of the cycle: 480 euros
9-10 years old, 2013-2014

Tennis 21 meters, mid balls

Group of 4 children

Price of the cycle: 480 euros
11 years old, 2012 and older

Tennis 24 meters, hard balls

Group of 4 children

Price of the cycle: 480 euros
Groups of adults 18 years and over

Groups of adults 18 years and over

Group of 4 players

Price of the cycle: 480 euros
Competition Groups

Tennis 18 meters soft balls – tennis 21 meters mid balls - Tennis 24 meters, hard balls

Group of 4 children

Price of the cycle: 480 euros, 700 euros for 1.5h
Special physical training

At the Training at the club Point Fit

Group of 8 children max

Price of the cycle: 700 euros => 1.5h session

Online membership application

My informations
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